The Animal Cycle of Life in Neutrality – 6-calls program

$100.00 / month for 6 months

This introduction is a 6-month program composed of 6 calls of one hour each. [vc_separator type="transparent"] For more information, we invite you to read the description below. **Minimum of 6 participants



The Animal Cycle of Life in Neutrality-Introduction

Many of us are sharing our house with one or many animals. We offer them shelter, food and much love. Every day we make sure they have good healthcare, activities and toys to play with. We love them so much and care for them the best we can. The deep bond we share with them is unconditional love, isn’t it? But is it really without condition?

Every animal lover experienced how it hurts us when something happens to one of them. The pain is real. The grieving is deep. We want them to be safe and healthy and stay with us forever. Sometimes we cut ourselves from this kind of love because it hurts so much…

But do we understand what our furry friends want and need? Can we understand what is happening inside their head or their body? Can we experience clarity and lightness through the bond we share with them? 

Though we are generally not conscious of this fact, our beliefs directly influence the human-animal bond. They originate from society, from our parents or through our own life experiences. Although we wish to give our companions Pure Love, these beliefs cause distortions in our relationship with animals.

Understanding is at the heart of every relationship.

When we understand another being, it triggers something in our heart; we suddenly open up. When we are open, it is easier to show patience and compassion.

To deeply understand is to welcome and embrace how the other being is and LOVE them no matter what happens or what they do. There is no judgment possible when we know that, at this precise moment, they are the best possible version of themselves.

And this is possible for everyone that chooses to say Yes!

This is the key to experiencing the cycle of life in Neutrality.

 The cycle of life is an introduction to the effect of our perceptions and beliefs on animal behaviours and the human-animal bond.

Through this program, we will share some information that will assist you to be more conscious of beliefs and emotions. You will feel how they affect our relationship with animals.

During the calls, we will share with you practical tools to lighten the bond with your animal companion. You will start experiencing a shift and a new kind of relationship with animals. Just two equal beings which are living side-by-side and exploring together the beauty of the life experiences.

Already, many clients have experienced the effect of these tools on the human-animal bond, and the results are life-changing. The power of the group will assist you in going even deeper into the experience.


Through the 6-month program, we will explore subjects like :

  • Why do animals feel stress, fears or shock
  • Why do they develop behaviour trouble
  • How do they communicate with us
  • What is the difference between wild and domesticated animals
  • and many others
You will explore ways to

  • lighten up the relationship and interact more easily with all animals,
  • feel how they communicate with us
  • be more attentive to the signals they send,
  • see and offer different opportunities depending on the unicity of the animal.
  • open up to another way to live with the animals beyond what you thought possible.

Together we will open new pathways to explore with your animals and have fun with them. Finally, to enjoy everyday life with these beautiful beings.

This program includes 6 interactive group calls of one hour each.

Here is a quick overview of the subjects with the schedule:

  • Saturday 28th of January at 1:00 pm
  • Saturday 25th of February at 1:00 pm
  • Saturday 25th of March at 1:00 pm
  • Saturday 22th of April at 1:00 pm
  • Saturday 13th of May at 1:00 pm
  • Saturday 9th of June at 1:00 pm


6 payments of 100$CAD plus taxes (where applicable)